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Leadership Development; Führungskräfteentwicklung von SGC Simone Giesen Consulting Zürich

Leadership Development

Companies are developing into network organizations. Vertical management structures with long and one-sided decision-making paths are a thing of the past. Constant change and a time characterized by multiple crises require new leadership skills. Despite advancing digitalization, interpersonal skills are becoming increasingly important. Leaders can use empathy, clear communication, trust, flexibility and empowerment, as well as a focus on purpose and healthy life balance, to create a positive working environment and promote successful collaboration in (virtual) teams.

Leadership Development offering–overview

Effective team building and development

Workshops and seminars

  • Increase transparency

  • Establish team culture with team spirit and focus on success

  • Optimize communication and cooperation and thus 

  • sustainably increase team performance .

International Leadership Development 

Conception, design, and delivery of trainings, seminars and international programs focused on teams, executives and companies.


Possible topics of focus:

  • Leadership competence

  • High-Performance

  • Motivation

  • Intercultural management

  • Resilience, burn-out prevention, and healthy leadership

  • Navigating change

Experiential Learning: Experiential leadership development programs

Experiential Learning: sustainable development of leadership skills through interactive leadership simulations. Customized leadership simulations help to develop and improve leadership skills in the long term. If you want to retain your best employees and avoid leadership mistakes, you can train your leadership skills in such a protected setting. This is just as useful for experienced leaders as it is for first-time or potential leaders. These simulations emphasize interpersonal interaction. The complex, interactive and multimedia scenarios are so realistic and the emotions experienced so real that the boundaries between reality and fiction can become blurred for those involved. This supports the authentic experience and learning process. Participants deal with demanding and complex leadership tasks, solve strategic challenges in a team or deal with ethical dilemmas. Just like in everyday business, they lead people, optimize processes, make decisions, work with and against each other, present and ultimately deliver the results - all under time pressure. Participants are exposed to journalists, television crews, non-profit organizations and other stakeholders played by corporate actors or executives. Alone and in small working groups, they must face the consequences of their decisions, actions and leadership behaviors. The combination of these challenging situations provides countless opportunities to experience and try out leadership and to improve in the process: during the simulations, leadership behavior and performance are observed and critically evaluated in individual feedback and coaching sessions guided by our facilitators. Often, new insights for existing conflicts are gained and solutions are developed already during the simulation. At the end of a simulation, which usually lasts two to three days, each participant receives a personal development plan with concrete measures for implementation.

Main topics

  • Leadership challenges and leadership dilemmas: dealing with power, politics, pressure and ambiguity (managing the unknown)

  • Sustainable development of leadership qualities

  • Change/transformation processes

  • Navigating the tensions of a matrix organization 

  • Process optimization and effectiveness

  • Employee appraisals incl. terminations, target agreements, conflict management, motivation and inspiration

  • Employee development

  • Managing diversity & inclusion

  • Managing stakeholders

  • Crisis management


Kundenreferenz für Simone Giesen Consulting Zürich; Organisationsentwicklung, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching

Customer Feedback

«Many thanks for the professional implementation and moderation of our team workshop. Great job! Your performance was authentic and professionally convincing, tough and charming at the same time. We all find the insights and results valuable and look forward to our further development.»

Customer Zurich

«How a leader leads others is often a mirror of how they lead themselves. »

Simone Giesen

Porträt: Simone Giesen von SGC Simone Giesen Consulting Zürich; Leadership Development
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